Reconnecting with Nature through Plein Air Painting
There is nothing more healing than a deep connection with our natural world, especially in this modern society that requires so much energy to maintain. I’ve struggled with a multitude of different health issues throughout my life, both physical and mental, as I’m sure so many of you can relate. Throughout these struggles I’ve experimented with a lot of different healing modalities, but nothing has had as profound or as immediate of an effect as time spent in connection with mother nature. Mother nature has taught me that health is earth embodied, and the more time I spend in healthy outdoor environments, the better I feel.

How to Build Trust with Yourself
In February of 2022 I decided to embark on a challenge - 365 days of art-making. The goal was to spend at least 15 intentional minutes per day in the creative process. I’m proud to say that I’ve made it to day 309. One of my main motivators for taking on this challenge: building self-trust.

Four Life Lessons I’ve Learned as an Artist
At times in my life when it seemed that everything around me was draining my energy, making art was something that gave energy back. Putting a paintbrush on the canvas, a pen on paper, or stepping onto stage helped me tap into the creator within me. Knowing that I had a tool that could help me move from anxiety-ridden, chronically-stressed, and incredibly sad to feeling alive and inspired has pulled me through so many difficult times and has given me a reason to want to live.

What if You Embraced Your Anxiety & What Happened When I Did
What if you could embrace your anxiety instead of meeting it with resistance? What if instead of adding dread to the anxiety, you could add compassion? How would that change your mental state?
With rising anxiety and a strong desire to move into a more balanced mental state, I started asking myself these questions. I wasn’t sure if embracing my anxiety was the best choice, but I decided that I would experiment with this idea of embrace for a few weeks, and in this video I’ll share the ups and downs of what that looked like. I’ll also be turning an ugly, abandoned, and abused canvas into something beautiful, in the spirit of embracing the uncomfortable.

6 Tips for Moving Through Creative Blocks
Being an artist is an extremely vulnerable thing.
Your insecurities, your fears, your traumas, whatever it is, they're going to show up if you're exercising your creative energy because you're going to need to access your life force, otherwise known as your creative energy. The more that you access this, the more that you're going to start to feel all the little ways that you hold yourself back from that vital energy. This manifests as what we know as “Creative Block.”
7 Tips for Regulating Emotions
Oh the emotions that come with being an artist! Pair that with the emotions of pursuing a dream and you’ve got yourself an overly-sensitive emotional soup… Okay, perhaps I’m being dramatic. I know plenty of artists who aren’t all that emotional.. But me, yeah, I have a heart full of feelings and eyes full of water…

When it Rains
Let us not hold too tightly to our beliefs, but rather let them live as nature does.
What served us yesterday, may not serve us today. If we can build our lives upon the foundation that everything changes, we can find more peace…

My Abstract Painting Process
Whenever I’m working on a painting that requires a lot of finesse, I like to end the session by taking whatever paint is leftover on my palette and loosely slathering it on an old canvas. By the time I’ve finished the detailed painting, I typically end up with a solid base for an abstract painting...

Looking Back at Immerge
Immerge was designed to be a homecoming. We left behind our troubles at the door, entered the cosmic womb, witnessed the vulnerability and strength of our humanness, and came to life with the remembrance that to be alive here and now is a beautiful gift…

Skin, Deep.
When our goal is to live our most fulfilling, abundant, blissful life, “doing the work” sometimes means allowing ourselves to actually not do much at all, and instead allowing ourselves to enjoy the simple pleasures of existence. Like the sight of wildflowers, the dirt beneath our feet, and the feeling of the sunshine on our skin…

My First Ecstatic Dance and the Power of Embrace
She had known me for less than 5 minutes.
I had no idea what the heck an ecstatic dance was, but in the spirit of adventure and embracing what the universe offers, I said “Sure, I’ll go!”
We walked into a room of about 5 to 10 people, all over the age of 60.
Without much of an introduction, she turned on the music and everyone started to move…